Audiobooks for free? At our high school we are just beginning to start a collection of playaways that students will be able to borrow. The nice thing about playaways is that they are small and actually look like a small book on the outside. The only thing we are not including with the playaways our the earbuds. Kind of gross to be sticking someone else's bud in your own ear. Next week we will be offering books on ipods for students to listen to their required fiction English book. We will be adding titles to the ipods as we are just beginning this new venture. Students will borrow the ipods just like they would a book. The website the best place to get free books is terrific. Listening to audiobooks on the road is a great way to pass the time and I have always bought my books through itunes. Love their selection hate the prices. Just this week I was contemplating buying Twilight to get caught up in this popular reading series (I so do want to be a twilighter), but when I saw the price $25 something I didn't bite. I will definitely keep looking for free audiobooks for my own personal use as well as for our patrons in our library.
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