Friday, June 27, 2008

Week 3 Thing # 7

I just read an article from Cnet about Princeton University publishing Kindle textbooks. Kindle is a wireless reading device. The article goes on to name some prominent universities that are creating textbooks for the Kindle. There are many advantages of having an ebook reader. Can u image not having to drag a ton of books around? Guess it is all in what you get accustomed to. For me, I am still a concrete reader. Love the look, feel and smell of a new book:-) Besides, what about building that upper body strength?

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Week 3 Thing #6

My creation
Originally uploaded by kristin8675309

Week 2 Thing # 3 & 4

Blogging is interesting. It was quite easy to set up. I am looking forward to learning all the things that can be added to a blog site. Avatar was created. I am not sure why there is a partial web address above it.

Week 3 Thing #5 Sari Sari

Sari Sari
Originally uploaded by Jungle Bay Guide
I found this photo on flickr of one of the many waterfalls that are on the island of Dominica. We are planning a vacation there this summer:-0

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Week 1 Thing #2

The 7 1/2 Habits of Highly Successful Lifelong Learners

*Lifelong learning puts the student first
*Never too soon or too late for learning
*Learning does occur everywhere throughout life
*Open to new ideas

Habit 1 Begin with the end in mind
Determine the goal first

Habit 2 Accept responsibility for your own learning

Sign up for training participate in class discussion

Habit 3 View problems as challenges
Most successful learners think

Habit 4 Have confidence in yourself as a competent, effective learner
Don’t say I or think it unless you want it to be true

Habit 5 Create your own learning toolbox
Books, technology, classes, webpages, friends

Habit 6 Use technology to your advantage
Should make things easier

Habit 7 Teach/ mentor others
Good way to reinforce your learning

Habit 7.5 Play

Successful lifelong learners know the importance of play be curious and read

For me the easiest habit is 7.5 Play. The hardest would be 1 begin with the end in mind. I think it is too concrete and doesn't allow for right brain thinking.

Week 1 Thing #1 (from a total of 23 things)

I am one of 70 completing PA Online Web 2.0 program. I have completed my first year as a high school librarian. Love it. This was my 16th year of teaching. Can u believe it? I went from being a kindergarten teacher to a high school librarian. I have 2 masters degrees - one in reading and language arts and the other in library science and information technology.
Just picked up more books to read this summer - The Art of Racing in the Rain by Garth Stein, When You are Engulfed in Flames by David Sedaris and Janet Evanovich's Fearless Fourteen